Super Hot: Canon Refurb Store Clearance Sale, Up to 50% Off

The Canon Direct Store is featuring a refurbished clearance sale with up to 50% off lenses and cameras. There are very hot 50% discounts on tilt-shift lenses and the 28-300L. Quantities are very limited.

Check out the clearance items at the Canon Direct Store or at our refurb stock tracker for all the deals available. Some of these prices are unbelievable — they will surely sell out soon.

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11 comments on “Super Hot: Canon Refurb Store Clearance Sale, Up to 50% Off

  1. December 23, 2018 at 6:25 am EDT

    Here come the refurb sales! From now until the end of the year there will probably be some really great refurb sales, if it follows the same as last year. Keep an eye out, some of the deals were pretty great, and some of these are jsut unbelievable. I can’t believe the price on that 17mm tilt shift, too bad it is already sold out! The T6s is also a really good deal for 400, as is the prices on the 70D combos. Both still very good cameras, and if you are shooting on older rebels they would be great upgrades.

  2. John Mann
    December 23, 2018 at 6:45 am EDT

    Ugh, I hate you whoever got the 17mm tilt shift

    1. CanonPriceWatch
      December 23, 2018 at 8:30 am EDT

      There were five copies in-stock when the sale started. When I saw the price I couldn’t believe it!

      1. John Mann
        December 23, 2018 at 7:17 pm EDT

        It was gone within 30 minutes 🙁 Ugh wish I got home earlier.

    2. Matthew Sullivan
      December 23, 2018 at 10:01 am EDT

      Yeah, I saw this at 2:30 AM and they were already gone. What a great deal. All the other lenses are kinda eh. Will there be more refurb sales?

  3. David S.
    December 23, 2018 at 2:49 pm EDT

    I’m surprised more people haven’t jumped on that 28-300. I know it’s not the most popular Canon lens, but for a full-frame walk-around lens at this price? I have friends who bought the Nikon versions, and the Canon is a beast compared to it in size and weight. But unless their shooting ultra-wide or low-light/astro, it never comes off their cameras. If I was working, that’d be my first choice. (Ok, second choice after the 17mm tilt-shift.)

  4. Ryan
    December 27, 2018 at 9:30 am EDT

    I placed a order for the 28-300 on the 23rd when it was in stock and showing as in stock yesterday the 26th then I got a email this morning saying my order was canceled. I called them and they said the lens was out of stock when I placed my order and there’s nothing they can do….to me that’s bad business!

  5. don
    December 27, 2018 at 11:08 am EDT

    I had exactly the same thing happen. Its occurred twice in the past year. Bad business and greed at its best! They made a mistake so they should stand behind their mistake. I called them yesterday and all I could get is put on a list that would extend the sale price for 7 days more and only in the event the refurbished lens came back into stock. They should in good faith admit their mistake and at least put everyones name on a list and give them first shot for as long as it takes to fulfill the listed price and keep the sales agreement they had in place. I have the receipt and seen where they soft billed my c.c. so it was a matter of them shipping a lens they never had to sale in the first place.

    This lens went on sale, then out of stock at least three if not four times over from the 23rd to the 25th. Oh by the way there were 24 of us on back order status yesterday when I called them. So just because you got an email saying the sale went thru don’t bet on it.

    I like canon and I have a lot invested so its not practical to leave them for me but others just starting out may think twice if this is the way they want their business model to be.

    1. CanonPriceWatch
      December 27, 2018 at 6:33 pm EDT

      Sadly this is becoming SOP for Canon refurb sales — they routinely oversell (listing that they are in-stock when they really aren’t), then reneg on a bunch of orders.

      I am not 100% certain but I’ve heard that the Canon store is operated by a 3rd party and not Canon directly, it is unfortunate that the brand name is being tarnished by shoddy operations as above.

      I also heard at the beginning of the year that Canon strategy has changed to de-emphasize the Canon store. Notably this year has had much poorer deals and sales (until this one), which suggests that this may indeed be true.

  6. don
    January 5, 2019 at 10:05 am EDT

    I have to give an update to my post above. The lens came back in stock I called them back and they honored the price. So in the end I was able to have my order filled but I still think it should be a standard practice anytime a sale is made even by mistake the sales agreement should be honored no mater how long it takes.

    They only had 4 in stock when I called yesterday.

    1. CanonPriceWatch
      January 5, 2019 at 10:54 am EDT

      Great news. Thanks for the update.

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