Gitzo Price Comparison

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GH1382TQD Series 1 Traveler Center Ball Head with Arca-Type Screw Knob QR Receiver
Lowest: $417.00 at Amazon 3rd Party

GH2750QR Series 2 Off Center Magnesium Ballhead
Lowest: $380.82 at Amazon 3rd Party

GH3750QR Series 3 Off Center Magnesium Ballhead
Lowest: $451.00 at Amazon 3rd Party

GIGT0545T Traveler Series 0 Carbon Fiber Tripod
Lowest: $499.00 at Amazon 3rd Party

GIGT1545T Traveler Series 1 Carbon Fiber Tripod
Lowest: $419.00 at B&H

GIGT1555T Traveler Series 1 Carbon Fiber Tripod
Lowest: $549.88 at B&H

GIGT2545T Traveler Series 2 Carbon Fiber Tripod
Lowest: $629.00 at B&H

GK2542-82QD Mountaineer Series 2 Carbon Fiber Tripod with Center Ball Head & GHF3W 3-Way Fluid Head (Special 50th Anniversary Kit)
Lowest: $849.95 at B&H

GK3532-82QD Mountaineer Series 3 Carbon Fiber Tripod with Center Ball Head
Lowest: $1608.95 at B&H

GM4562 Series 4 Carbon Fiber Monopod
Lowest: $454.88 at B&H

GT0542 Mountaineer Series 0 Carbon Fiber Tripod
Lowest: $694.99 at Amazon 3rd Party

GT0545T Series 0 Traveler Carbon Fiber Tripod with Center Ball Head
Lowest: $649.88 at B&H

GT1544T Series 1 Traveler 6x Carbon Fiber Tripod
Lowest: $999.00 at Amazon 3rd Party

GT1545T Series 1 Traveler Carbon Fiber Tripod with Center Ball Head & GM2542 Carbon Fiber Monopod (Special 50th Anniversary Kit)
Lowest: $469.95 at B&H

GT2542 Mountaineer Series 2 Carbon Fiber Tripod with GHF3W 3-Way Fluid Head Kit
Lowest: $1616.00 at Amazon 3rd Party

GT2543L Mountaineer Series 2 Carbon Fiber Tripod (Long)
Lowest: $1273.00 at B&H

GT2545T Series 2 Traveler Carbon Fiber Tripod with Center Ball Head & GM2542 Carbon Fiber Monopod (Special 50th Anniversary Kit)
Lowest: $549.95 at B&H

GT3532 Mountaineer Series 3 Carbon Fiber Tripod
Lowest: $1273.00 at B&H

GT3543LS Systematic Series 3 Carbon Fiber Tripod (Long)
Lowest: $1053.90 at B&H

GT3543XLS Systematic Series 3 Carbon Fiber Tripod (Extra Long)
Lowest: $1291.00 at B&H

GT4533LS Systematic Series 4 Carbon Fiber Tripod (Long)
Lowest: $1255.88 at B&H

GT5543LS Systematic Series 5 Carbon Fiber Tripod (Long)
Lowest: $1419.00 at B&H

Systematic Series 3 Carbon Fiber Tripod with Arca-Type Series 4 Center Ball Head with Lever Release
Lowest: $1557.88 at B&H