Deal Archives: LensCoat RainCoat Large Sleeve (Black)

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B&H DealZone: LensCoat RainCoat $27.99-$39.99 (Small, Med, Large)

Today’s B&H DealZone (one-day deal) features the LensCoat RainCoat Sleeve (Black) in various sizes, from $27.99-$39.99. They regularly go for $50-70, this is up to 43% savings!

The largest cover is designed for use with body and lens combinations of up to 21″ in length, and can be adjusted for a tight fit.

B&H DealZone: LensCoat RainCoat Large Sleeve $39

Today’s B&H DealZone (one-day deal) features the LensCoat RainCoat Large Sleeve (Black) for $39.99, which regularly goes for $69.99.

The LensCoat RainCoat Large Sleeve provides easy access to your gear while protecting it from the elements. This cover is designed for use with body and lens combinations of up to 21″ in length, and can be adjusted for a tight fit.

B&H DealZone also has the LensCoat RainCoat Sleeve in small or medium sizes ($27 or $29).