Deal Archives: Flashpoint XPLOR 600 HSS TTL Battery-Powered Monolight for Canon (AD600)

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Hot: Flashpoint XPLOR 600 TTL Monolight with R2 Transmitter $549

More hot deals from Adorama on their Flashpoint (rebranded Godox) line. The Flashpoint XPLOR 600 HSS TTL Battery-Powered Monolight for Canon (AD600) Kit is only $549.00, a $200 savings from the $749 regular price.

This kit has the XPLOR 600, a portable 600ws monolight powered by an internal Lithium Ion battery, capable of over 450 full power flash bursts on a single charge. It supports HSS and TTL, via the included Canon R2 Radio (2.4 GHz) Transmitter. A great value, and tremendously well reviewed.