Deal Archives: APC Back-UPS PRO BN1500M2 Battery Backup & Surge Protector

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B&H DealZone: APC Back-UPS BN1500M2 $179, Adobe Elements

Today’s B&H DealZone (one-day deal) features deals on APC Back-UPS battery backup systems and Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023 photo editing software.

B&H DealZone: 14TB WD Elements $260, APC Back-UPS 1500VA $160

Today’s B&H DealZone (one-day deal) features two nice deals. The WD 14TB Elements USB 3.0 External Hard Drive is discounted to $259.99 and the APC Back-UPS PRO BN1500M2 Battery Backup & Surge Protector is only $159.99, both after in-cart coupon discounts. These deals are today only or until sold out.